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My experience in Rome during the Easter time

During the Easter, I visited Italy with UPAC, Rome and Vatikan in particular. It was for the first time in my life that I participated in this program, and I had really good experience in Rome, spiritual and others.  I will explain some of the spiritual experience that I had during the Easter. Firstly, we participated in Holly Mass  every day and I really found it  good to pray all the time. Some problems appeared in my life before and I realized I have to pray more and more to find solutions and then, during my free time in Rome,  I read Youcat.

While reading it, I felt really blessed and I knew some of my problems got  solved. It’s the one of the most important thing in this life, to  feel God is close to you and you also feel you find a solution when you pray for something.

The love of God towards us is something very important, so I have to pray to Him every day and all the time in my life. And the love of God passes by radiantly, the Holy Spirit goes through every person like a lightning bolt. God loves us and He gave His son to die for our sins and resurected. This Easter, I had a beautifull song after I finished to read my Bible(thank you for the cross by Hilsong), every morning I sing it before I go out because I understand the sacrifice of Jesus and I understand the cross.

PS: Jesus bearing all our sins, shamed and washed us at the cross.

Jean-Colin Dora